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Liberation Time : the Dawning of the age of Aquarius

Liberation Time : the Dawning of the age of Aquarius

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We have seen over the last two centuries an accelerating movement away from the conventional habits of life to a more independent exploration of life's possibilities.  This used to be called eccentricity, breaking away from the centre.  It is now called an alternative lifestyle.  Even within the conventional mainstream structures there is an exploding recognition of new, more holistic models, more independent spiritual and material thinking which liberates us from hierarchical structures and models of power whilst proving more effective, sustainable and wholesome in providing for the needs of humanity.

The age of Aquarius promises this irresistible spirit of liberation, independence and original, holistic thinking.  It is a spirit of divine inspiration and it is a spirit which has been gaining momentum for over two hundred years as we have appoached the new age cusp and is now perhaps at its most creative peak, planting seeds which will be growing and harvested for many years and centuries to come.

Yet it is clear this pioneering spirit of innovation and independence faces the sternest tests from an oppressive  economic system which in many ways is developing more intolerant, extreme and totalitarian tendencies the more its inadequacies are exposed.  These are the usual signals for the end but with a beast of this hoary age, and gargantuan size, predicting its imminent demise is a hazardous game.   As it is written, ' No one know the hour, not even the Son but only the Father in Heaven.' 

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